Thursday, December 16, 2010

Autobiography 50 years from now.

Thursday, December 16, 2010.
Please post your autobiography here on our class blog.  Remember: you are pretending that it is 50 years into your future.  Please have this assignment done by Wednesday, January 5, 2011.  (You have 3 weeks.)  As always, if you are not able to post it here, then send it to me in an email, and I will post it for you.  When you are done with your autobiography, please write only your first name and last initial.  I can't wait to read what you write!  This is going to be so interesting!!
~Ms. Kaplanis


  1. Hi,
    My name is Ashton and I am 62 years old.
    After I graduated from Stanford, I married
    me college sweet heart. We have 2 children,
    Jake(22)and lisa(19).

    I opened a series of athletics training
    academies, We Speialize in training and
    tutoring athletes from all sports.

    In 2030 I purchased the Dallas Cowboy.We have had two "threepeat" seasons runs during my onwership.

    My Family and I also started the Comboys charities. It is foundation dedicated to helping families in need with medical services, housing and food.

    By Ashton S

  2. I was really good in collage that i got into the USA SpaceSuttle. I'm so proud of myself that i sometimes i think i am dreaming! but as long i am working for my dream job, nothing can stop me.

    I got married and i had 2 kids named:Chase and Lynna. My life was good and fine till one day i had a mission to do that it was to go to Saturn and get a sample of it's rock. " I think this a tough one Chief John, but I'll try" i said. Going to a get a mission for me done.

    I got the mission done and i was all over the news. I still can't believe that i got that challenge done once and for all!

    by vaneeza

  3. Posted for Andrew M.

    As of today I'm sixty-one years old. As I woke up this morning I thought about a few achievments I've accomplished. Like my first video game I ever made called Human Error. It was a very fun game about a guy whose half human and half robot. I also remember the achievment I accomplished as a heart surgeon performing surgery and saving a life. It was a very hard task doing that surgery, but my team and I did it. I also remember the time I invented the first flying car with a big engine. I had always wanted to invent things since I was young. Aahh... good times... =)
    by Andrew M.

  4. Posted for Sam P.

    I have done alot of things in my life but one that i am most proud of is that I was the first female president. It all started in 2030 I had just gotten a job as a vet when I saw an add in the news paper and it said," We are looking for a president and we know someone wants to be one." So I got in my car and drove to the El Segundo mall and I signed up for president. Six months had passed and still no call. But on the seventh month someone called and told me that I had been elected for president. Two months later the secret survice came to my door and i was realy scared. They told me not to be afraid and that I had won the election. They picked me up in a jet and took me to Washington D.C. When i got there i saw the white house and it was bigger than i imagened. Being president came with alot of responsibilitys. A year later I got my job back as a vet. Then five years later i met another vet and we married. A year later I had twins Johanna(11) and Matthew(16). Then I settled
    down and then my huband became president and long storie short it was like my life all over again. =)

    By Samara P.

  5. Posted for Cali H.

    Hi im cali H. and im 61 years old,in my many years of life i have been dirt bike riding.dirt bike rideing is my pashen. I have so much fun doing it. I started dirt bike riding when i was 6 in 2005. Back then i started on a small bike.I keeped that bike intell i was about 9 in 2008. then I got a bigger bike. Thats when i started getting better in my sport,but once i was rideing around the camp ant i fell into a bush with my engine was on my leg. I dident realise how bad it acually was. I was only concentrate on the engine not lecking. Then a few freinds of my dad found and me and came running to help. I had no idea i was bleeding!! I put my hand on my lip and saw dark red blood oosing out of my lip. Then i got back to my motter home and looked in the mirror and found a stick in my lip. That was not fun at all. But after i got all cleaned up i jumped right back on my dirt bike. Then 2 years later i got a bigger dirt bike that was nice and red. The first time i road on it wa s new years ev the year of 2010-2011!!! I remebered the wind flowing through my helment. it was so wounderful. after that I toke a brake from dirt bike rideing and when i turned 18 i got an agication at UCLA with my best freind Tiffany. We had so much fun. Then a couple years later i turned 28 ang thats when i convens Tiffany to travle all over the world on dirt bikes. the only problem is that we cant ride on roads so we juat traveled to many deserts. It toke us 6 years to get all the way back home to California,but it was worth it. By then i was 34 years old. Thats when i relised i needed to keep dirt bike rideing. so i toke tiffany to cow city. Its a desert here in california and theres are stores near by so we could stay ther for maby a couple years. the only thing is we are not going to camp near the storesm, maby a couple miles away. when we got there i had meat the love of my life.and he was camping there for a couple years like tiffany and me. 3 years later i was 37 a nd my love purposed. I of coures said yes!! Then we had a familey. I had tree kides. twin boys and a girl. Elizabeth now (22) and the twins, Mhichel and steven(9). then a year later the hole familey went camping in cloding tiffany, and that camping trip chang her life. My husbands brother came on the trip and Tiffany and him fell in love, and after all that here i am 61 years old telling you my life story. :)

    by Cali H.
    12-17-10 :)

  6. Hi, I am Alex. I love the Earth and will do anything to save it. I am very eco-friendly. In 50 years I want to be able to stop Global Warming! When I do that my name will be known from one end of the Earth to the other! That is exactly what I would like! Then I will be a world hero! Hopefully then I will win a Nobel Peace prize. That has always been my dream, to win one of those.

    With the money from the Nobel Peace prize I would like to end child slavery in Ghana. Child slavery in Ghana is really a problem. Approximately 25% of children ages 5-14 years in Ghana were working in 2000.  In some areas, children can be found working in picking, fishing, herding and as contract farm laborers. Children also work as domestics, porters, hawkers, miners and quarry workers. I find this very sad, and that is why I hope to stop this for goo!. The last thing I want to happen, is for there to be no more war. I know that it will be highly impossible,but I cannot stand war! It is really awful. Their are many more ways to end a small fight, than to start a big war. My part in in making this happen is to constantly teach and practice peaceful resolutions.

    All I really want, is for the world to be a better place. I think that without Global Warming, child slavery in Ghana, and war, everything might start to change. Though these things might happen before 50 years have gone by, I will definitely find something to accomplish that will change the world for the better.

    By Alex N.

  7. hi im raul luna . i am a 11 year old boy who loves video games . i enoy playing call of duty black ops with my dad. my dad is 31, my mom is 33 ,ny sister is 8,and i am 11. back to 50 years in 50 years i would have opened a lot of military training
    camps, we help the young people of america have a right tofight for their country if you have the will we will help you. i got married and i had 1 child named raul . then my life went on as a helecopter mechanic i worked at robinson helecopter . then the military called i was sent to iraq to fight. i was close to death as a scuiside bomber ran into my base but i had my trusty deagle with me .then i retired at age 73.

  8. Hi,
    My name is Kendall and I am 65 years old and live in Ohio with the love of my life Ron. Let's go back 45 years when I was 20 going to college getting my medical degree. while I was at college I met Ron wo swept me off my feet when we met. After college we traveled the world together until he purposed and moved to Texas. I am now 35. In Texas I had my two twin girls. Their names are Nadine and Navine. The other loves of my life. Now I am 45 healthy and living in California like I did in my childhood years. Ron and I lived in california for ten years until we wanted to move to Ohio where my mom and my dad live. I am 55 now and retired. Since I am retired and so is Ron we started traveling the world again to make it a better place. On my 65 birthday we came back home and celebrated my long life. This is my life story!!!

    Kendall R.

  9. Hi my name is Katie and I'm a 18 year old girl who graduated from Stanford I'm about to get my teaching degree.2 years later I had a great time teaching young 1st graders, but after 2 years I wanted to try somethin new now that I am 20.Ever since I was a kid i loved to sing. I love singing because I can express myself in different ways. After I thought about my childhood and remebered that I still have a great voice I searched the web and started to put videos up of my own.While I was waiting for someone to promote me I got married and and had 2 kids a boy named Deangello(2)and a girl named Jackie(1)Right after I turned 25 I got a call from a person named Scooter Braun who wanted to promote me in singing,so I had to travel to Canada. I was really happy with my career as a singer. 10 years passed, now im 35 years old someone saw me teaching my daughter Jackie who is now 11 how to do some gymnastics moves and then they offered me a job at a gymnastics center, I moved to California I agreed to join so then 20 years later I was 55 years old and I was to old to sing or teach any enthusiastic hobbie so I retired from that then I realized once I turned 61 I had a great lifetime, I got to travel many places and had great kids and even got to do some of my hobbies.Jackie is now 31 and had a girl named Ivonne and became a housewife and Deangello had no kids so continued his career as a Doctor. I had a great time telling stories about my pass.
    Katie H.
    December 24,2010

  10. Hello, my name is Alexys D.and today I am going to tell you how I made a change in the world but first I am going to tell you a little about me. I am a thirty nine year old female who has two puppies and two kids. A nin month old baby girl named Marrie Alice and a three year old boy named Staphen'. I live in California with my college and high school sweet heart. My two puppies names are Bailey and Skittles. I have had a my puppies scence I was a little girl. I hope you have learned a little information about me.

    Hello my name is Dr./ Pro. Davis and I am the inventor of the vaccine that can possibly save ebery sick, injured and hurt animal from inffections or diseases. this vaccine is animal safe and will not hurt your animal. There are no side effects to this vaccine. This vaccine is proven to keep your animal(s) healthy and safe. BUY IT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    My second idea was....... banning cigarettes while driving. I came up with this idea beacuse when people are driving and they are done with the cigarette they would throw it out the window, and what if some ones gasoline is dripping and roles over the cigarette while the cigarette is still hot and sets the car on fire. These are two of the things I accomplished in my life.
    - Alexys D.

  11. HI, my name is Dylan and I was born in Northern California. 50 years ago I was eleven, now I am 61 years old. Since then I have accomplished many things. But the greatest thing I did was making a video game called 'Bunnies Building'. I made this game on May 1, 2029. In the game you're trapped and you have nowhere to go. All you have is some friends, a tool box, and pieces of scratch that you find in the game. The game also comes with Arena Mode. Arena Mode is where you are fighting another player and you have to build a fort to protect and fight with. After that if you knock down the fort you win. When I made copies and sold them it became very popular. Stores told me they sold hundreds of games. Later I made more games to play. But from now on I will be remembered for 'Bunnies Building'.
    -Dylan R

  12. Hi there, I didn't notice you. Since you're here I am going to tell you a very "amusing" story. My name is Lance and my story starts when I was born. When I looked into my mother's eyes I realized... I WANTED TO BE A MOTHER! It was brilliant!

    It was not brilliant. It was actually a stupid idea. First of all, I can't be a mother because I am a one year old boy. Second of all, babies poop a lot and I hate that about babies! So I waited for 11 more years. I finally came up with a GOOD idea.

    So I was in sixth grade and I had a big plan!
    I was so psyched. I was planning to make a robot clone that would grow up. And what is the best part? It doesn't poop or cry! But there was just one flaw... I didn't know anything about robots, except that they were shiny.

    So a few years later, I became a freshman at ESHS. Luckily, I studied about robots in eighth grade. So I went to go get loose pieces of metal at my local junkyard. So I brought all the appropriate pieces of metal I needed back home. It took me my Thanksgiving AND Winter Break to finish it. So a week after school started again, I went back to ESMS to visit my eighth grade teacher. She had a very worried look on her face. She told me that she had taught us about Hitler and how he built a murderous robot before he died. I WASN'T A MOM! I WAS HITLER ||! The robot awoke and ran outside the school! It vandalized the walls, trash cans, bleachers, and tables. I finally stopped it by taking out its batteries. My perents had to pay for the damages. I was grounded for a month.

    When I graduated from high school, I eventually went to college. My room mate was really into robots. So I thought I could take advantage of this opprotunity so I asked him if he could teach me. The first few days were alright. But soon, he wouldn't shut up. He started to get boring. I was running out of ideas. So I went to Toys R Us to get a baby toy. Soon I was brave enough to bring it to college. I got made fun of. There was nothing else I could do... yet.

    In 2060, I am 61. I tried my best to make a robot... and I succeeded! My wife was amazed. She couldn't believe her eyes. Neither could my REAL children. I grew famous for making the first robot that grew up. Soon Robot Boy (robot) went to college, just like me. He always came to visit when he could. That was my story. Thank you for listening... NOW GO!

    -Lance M.

  13. Posted for Brando M.

    Hi, my name is Brando, and I am 62 years old. I thought I should tell the story of my life. I remember when I got out of college. I had thought a lot of what I wanted to do and had a great idea. I wanted to be an actor. Ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to be an actor. A few days later I auditioned for a movie and I got the part. When I turned 23, I started dating a beautiful girl and we got married 4 years later and had 3 kids. when I got older I was in a lot of movies and was interviewed a thousand times. I had fun acting back then and I'm still having fun acting today.

    by Brando M.

  14. Posted for Justina G.

    My Autobiography
    Hello my name is Justina G.

    When i was about 21 years old, i graduated college at UCLA. I wanted to be a dentist for children.

    At the age of 48 i went to Egypt with my family:husband,2 kids(boy and girl).we had so much fun. We went to alot of mueseums and saw alot of mummies.

    When i was about 30 years old i went to about 11 states with my family. I love to travel. It is fun because i like to explore the world.

    At the age of 55 both my parents passed away. I was really sad but i didn't let that get to me. I kept exploring the world.

    By: Justina G.

  15. Posted for Kyle P.

    Hi my name is Kyle and in the future I want to become a superhero. I want to because I want to try to make the world a better place and make people feel safe to go outside. But not only to make the world a better place but also help those in need like starving children or basicly anyone in need of something that depends on life or death. That is what I want to do in the future.

    By Kyle P.

  16. Posted for Molly H.

    Hi, My name is Molly. I am sixty-one years old and I am going to tell you how I became a snow boarder for the Olympics. Well it all started when I was ten years old. Did it every winter but it was easier to go more often when I had finished college. Right after college I moved up to the mountains. When I was twenty-six I was ask to be in the Olympics for snow boarding and I said yes right away. When I was twenty- eight I got married. When I was thirty I had a kid named Jack, he’s thirty-one now. By the time I had stopped snow boarding and just did it for fun I was fifty-seven. Now I’m sixty-one I just teach kids to snow board and I love it.

    By -Molly H.

  17. Posted for Natalie T.

    I am 61 years old, and have accomplished many things in my life. I became the second woman president of the United States. I also got married, had three kids, and one grandson. When I was 35, i ran for president of the United States. I won with 605 of the votes.My husband, my one year old baby and i moved into the white house. During my four years at the white house, I had two more babies and brought the ecomy up by alot. So much, in fact that the US was out of the economy crisis that we've been in for so may years. I feel like I made the world a better placeby bringing up the economy. i feel like i set an example for the rest of the world to do the same.

    by - Natalie T.

  18. Posted for Sean E.

    When I was a child I always asked myself, what will I do in my life? What will I do to help people? What will I discover,or in event? You know, to see how far I would come in my life. But I knew little of the amazing things i would do...

    In 2031 I found an extremely rare plant in the lush rainforest of South America that in it's stem it holds the cure to all types of Cancer. When I found it I was insure of what it was, so I disregarded it until I set up a Camp and got hungry. I thought most plants had a sweet nectar but I tried it and it was a bitter and pungent liquid. But l later after I had it, I felt extremely healthy so i took as many of the plants as i could find. Later I wanted to find out what the plant did so I took it to a Chemist. He said that the nectar killed cancer cells in test tubes at the lab. So we tried it on a patient and the cancer was miraculously cured by it. So it was named the tropical Cancer plant of Emery or for a short time the Emery Plant.
    I knew that from this discovery I had helped many people in the United States and saved many people. But I was not content. So I found as much of the nectar as I could and I took it to Hospitals in Africa to help many more unfortunate people.
    Throughout the rest of my life up until now, I searched for more of this plant to sell to unfortunate Cancer victims around the world. Many people may have thought that i did this for the money or for the fame. But that is nowhere near why I did it. I did it to help people, to help them live a longer happier fun filled life.

    By Sean E.

  19. Good Morning Students & Happy New Year!!
    As of Monday, January 3rd there are 18 of you who have posted your autobiographies here on the class blog. That means there are 15 of you who still need to accomplish this assignmnent. Please post your assignment here no later than this Wednesday, January 5th.
    Thank you,
    Ms. K.

  20. Posted for Gaby W.

    Hello my nme is Gaby and i am 21 years old and i just got marrid i have twins Jassmin(15) and Jessica(15). 25 years have pasted and i am now 46 years old and my plains is to go to Spain because my best friend went last year and i would want to go to Spain. Four years have past and my dream of goin to Spain came true.

  21. Posted for Sebastian M.

    In fifty years I did everything I wanted to do. So here's what I did. I went to college for playing lacrosse. I rode bmx bikes and motorcycles and played volleyball

  22. It was summer of 2018 I had just gotten the news that UPenn had accepted me into their law school! I had applied for Stanford because of the location, UPenn because my dad went there, and Harvord because well, it's Harvord!! So, that summer I moved to Phillidalphia in a 1 bed 1 bath apartment in the heart of Center City. I live 5 minuets from all my best friends, favorite shops and resturaunts, and 10 minuets from the school!
    6 years later I graduated with my law degree all ready to go! Then my only worry was getting into a law firm. I moved back to LA and applied for a job in Gibson Dunn& Crutcher LLP law firm. A cupple days later they called and said I got the job!! Life was great!!
    2 years later I had emploeey of the month 4 times in a row, and I got most cases won in a year award. Life was great but, something was missing I needed to do something fun to do something to take my mind off things for a while!
    So, I decided to go travel the world for 3 years! I went everywere I decided to take my 2 best friends with me. We went to NY, Hawaii, Chia, Egypt, Rome, France, Japan, India, and England. We had a blast!
    When we got back home in LA I worked for 1 year and made enough money to buy 2 homes a huge country home with horses and cattle and chicken, and a beach home in EL Segundo.
    While in my country home I met the love of my life we moved back to EL Segundo and had 3 kids twin girls(10) and a boy(8). For 40 my life was great!
    20 years later I am 60 retired with the best lawer of California award. My kids have great lives of their own, and today I sit here in my home filled with love and laghter telling my my dream life story come true!

  23. It was dark. Very dark. We were riding in the Astro 3000 for 6 years. When we finally landed, it was strange... The red planet called Mars had a strange atmosphere, mystery lingered in the air around our ship. We opened the door of the Astro 3000. I was the first one to step onto the iron planet. It was solid and rusty. Following me out of the ship was Brenyn Beesly. We walked around Mars for a good 20 minutes before we found a good place to put our U.S. flag. We started back to our ship and we found something peculiar... Ice. This was amazing because if there is water on this strange planet then it can sustain life. We took a sample of the ice back to the Astro 3000. Then we started on our 6 year journey home.

  24. You may have heard of me as having the NFL's Most Tackles in history. Also most sacks in a season. My name is Alec Z. I am in the pro football hall of fame. In college I went to Oregon. I played for the Los Angeles Skyscrapers. When I was a kid they didn't have a Los Angeles team. My favorite team when I was a kid was the Seattle Seahawks because I was born there. My grandpa was a professional football player for the San Diego Chargers. He has two super bowl rings, one with the Raiders and one with the Forty-Niners. That is why I wanted to play football.

    by Alec Z

  25. Posted for Mark B.

    Auto biography

    When I got to college I got a masters degree in military engineering, was in ROTC in the marines, and played as a linebacker for the USC Trojans. When I got out of college I went in the military for 30 years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and fixing trucks, tanks, helicopters, and airplanes. After I would retire from the military I would start a collection of old military weapons and then sell or pass them down through my family.

    by Mark B.

  26. Posted for Jules R.

    This is one big thing that I have done in my 61 years.
    Ever since I was 8 years old I have loved to play volleyball, so that is what encouraged me to do what I have done for young boys and girls.
    When I was 27 years old, I wanted young girls and boys to learn and love to play volleyball. So I did a little research on some elementary school to see if they had any kind of volleyball programs or if they had even taught the kids to play volleyball in P.E. Turns out a lot of schools didn’t even tell any students or teach them volleyball. So I thought I should start a volleyball program for 3rd-5th graders. I started at one elementary school with 2 of my friends. They were both on my high school volleyball team. We were all coaches for the program. This program was going to go for 5 weeks, not including weekends only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. One girl would teach bumping, another would teach setting, and I would teach spiking. The program was a very big success. We had 23 kids in total our first season, and 40 our second. We started opening our program in other schools. 4 years later the program was going in at least 7 schools in each state. After teaching for 20 years, I would see kids grow up and go to college. One young lady was very good at volleyball she played throughout middle school, high school, and college. She ended up going to the Olympics. She won a bronze medal. That to me was enough to say that I have done something to change other people’s lives. My program also changed mine!

    By Jules R.

  27. Posted for Kellie C.

    Since Kellie was eight years old she liked to sail. Everyone told her she was a natural. Kellie was the first one in her family to sail a boat. No one else in her family had much experience with the ocean. She started off in the sabots (the small boats) and as she got older the boats got bigger and so did her adventures. Every summer she did sailing camp instead of being lazy and watching TV and going to the beach with her friends. Her family knew that someday Kellie would use her summer sailing camp to her advantage.
    When Kellie turned 20 years old she decided to sail around the world. She chose her friend Jenny, whom she had made friends with at sailing camp over the years. Kellie and Jenny both knew it going to be expensive to take on such a great adventure but they were up for the challenge. They both began working part-time and also looked for businesses to sponsor them. The sponsorers were easy to find since they would get advertising for their companies. Jenny and Kellie were able to raise enough money to begin their journey that January 1, 2011.
    Their adventure took over a year to complete. They began in Marina Del Rye out of the DRYC. The first place they went to was Mexico. Over the next year they went all over the world sailing to Australia, England and New Zealand. They lived like Robinson Caruso building forts on the beach and exploring the crocodile and snake ridden jungles. Rough storms and Pirates were some of the biggest nightmares they would experience in their entire lifetime. The trip was fascinating and the two friends became like sisters after the year was completed. They were fortunate to have each other or their trip would have been very lonely.
    Over the years both women graduated college and began careers. Jenny was an Anthropologist and traveled all over South America. Kellie was an editor for the Los Angeles Times and made her home in Playa Del Rye, California. By the time both women were 35 they had married and started families. Each year on their Birthdays the two friends would share a special dinner and bring out pictures of their families and pictures from their exciting adventure they had taken years ago. On Kellie’s 40th Birthday her husband gave her a big surprise party and Jenny helped to plan it. They invited many friends they knew from the sailing and racing teams they had been in over the years.
    Kellie continued her sailing into her 50s and 60s. Jenny however was unable to continue due to a disease that left her in a wheelchair. Both women however were as close as ever and encouraged their children to sail. Their children carried their passion for sailing and often invited Jenny and Kellie to go out sailing.
    In 2073 when Jenny turned 62, she passed away. Kellie was unable to deal with the loss of a friend who was like a sister. She was extremely sad and for a while didn’t talk with anyone or sail with her family when they went out. Her family was worried and decided to take her on a cruise to some of the places she and Jenny had sailed to in their younger years. The trip with her family made Kellie realize how Jenny would want her to live her life. Kellie knew Jenny would want her to be happy and remember their lives with good memories of their friendship. She knew that every time she was on the water she would remember her friend and that life was precious.

    by Kellie C.

  28. Posted for Nathan P.

    The Year 2060
    In the year 2060, the discomfort of Global Warming was stopped by yours truly, Nathan Porter. I stopped Global Warming by using heat-resistant plastic. I shot it up into space and it blocked some of the sun’s heat.
    I don’t know how I came up with the idea. I just thought it was cool, came up with some fact to support my idea then told people about it. Most people agreed with my hypotheses. A scientist created an ultra-cannon that could launch the plastic into space…it was called the “Ultra Space-Launching Cannon.”
    At first, I thought the cannon would be a technical piece of work…it was just a huge chunk of metal in the shape of a cannon barrel, and a lot of gun powder (5,000 pounds worth). The first shot of the cannon was successful. Everything worked out great because Global Warming didn’t exist anymore!

    by Nathan P.

  29. Posted for Jamie M.

    My astronomical life started in 2015 in high school. I took astronomy class as my elective. I had already loved the stars and all the planets. My class took a trip to Florida for a chance to see the space center. There was a lottery held for all visitors that day; for the chance to go be able to go up into space with an astronaut in a space shuttle after college. I and a guy named Richard Bulb both won. Richard was from Ohio so I did not know him.

    I looked so forward to my trip, but I carried on with life and I went to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and I made my major Astronomy. College was a great experience and a lot of hard work but fun. I graduated college and all I could think about was my trip to the stars.

    We prepared for the trip for 8 months and when we went up into space; that was when I knew I was going to be an astronaut. Richard and I had a blast and realized we both had the same dream of being an astronaut, settling down and having kids and grandkids.

    In 2023; Richard and I were married. We had our first child Elsie, named after my Great Grandmother. Two years later we had a second daughter we named Rose. Our son was born 5 years later and he was named after his father. Over the next 20 years; I loved raising my family and Richard and I taking turns in space.

    My children now had their own lives and dreams to follow and both Richard and I were retired. Again, we won a lottery for retired astronauts to go up in space one last time. It was the best experience I had in space because I was older and could really appreciate my full wonderful life.

  30. Posted for Patrick E.

    My Life Until 2060
    The story of my life… and yes, this is the thirty-second time I’ve told this story, so what! It is time that you young people learned to appreciate a good story. This story is a story of hard work, money, and evil talking brownies. This is a story of my childhood, teenage years, and adulthood. This is my life.
    I was born in Torrance and grew up in El Segundo. I went to Center Street Elementary school for six years before I graduated at age eleven into El Segundo Middle School. Over the summer between sixth and seventh grade, I started a small business selling comics that I kept going until I graduated from High School. I grew up hearing that if I was successful in school, then I would be successful in life and make lots of money. That saying made me strive to do my very best in school because I like money! I grew up with hopes and dreams of being successful in life.
    After I graduated from middle school, I went to El Segundo High School. In high school I continued my small business and my high grades. My friends and I started a band called “Sugary Snax” when I was fourteen, in which I was the keyboard player and lead singer. I eagerly joined a singing and dancing program called “Young Americans” when I was in elementary school, and I continued to join every year until I graduated from high school. After I graduated from high school, I went to Harvard university, which ended my teenage years.
    When I was in college, I knew that I would need to get a job. I did not want to be a scientist because my science professor had once made an evil talking brownie that almost killed me (it is a long story). I decided to be a lawyer, so I became a businessman until I finished doing my undergraduate study at Harvard. I was then happily married to a psychiatrist named Leslie, so I was in a good mood for quite a while. I then went to Law School and became a lawyer. Soon afterward, I became a judge, only to be promoted to supreme court justice by age 40. I retired at age 70 to give myself a good amount of money to finish my life with. I then lived happily ever after with my wife, kids, and grandchildren.
    So, in conclusion, I lived a happy, successful life. Oh, and remember that saying that I grew up with? “If one is successful in school, then one will be successful in life and make lots of money.” Well, I can tell you firsthand that it is true. I kept my grades up in school, so my high marks paid off and got me into a very good college, which led me to good jobs and lots of money. All in all, life was good.

    By Patrick E.
